Delphi Programming
Forums: Index > Technical support > Sound control in windows vista

I see some examples about controlling sound system on the net. But they do not work on Windows Vista, for example the how to mute PC sound system by Delphi code.

Can anyone give help on manipulating sound system under Vista environment.

Thank you.

Audio has changed considerably in Windows Vista. You should get to know the new audio APIs if you want to do audio under Vista. Eddie 20:45, 8 June 2008 (UTC)

I read on MSDN, core audio API for Vista has changed, but the fact that core audio API was used as foundation of DirectSound and Wave API and if you use DirectSound or wave API, I think it should work on Vista too, however because I have not yet test it so I may be wrong. Zamronypj 07:15, 8 July 2008 (UTC)
