Delphi Programming
Forums: Index > Technical support > Dcc.dll

Hello. I am a local lan admin in my place of work.

I have installed Delphi 3 and it works fine at home. I thought I'd install it on my work computer, not for official productivity but to continue on my own personal fractal stuff, when I have down time, and the following issue arose.

As my usual log in is as a User I had to log in as super me to install Delphi 3. Hence it works when I'm logged in as super me. However, when I log in as usual and try to open Delphi I get a dcc.dll error that it's trying to read some memory address as 00000000. Also, the component bar is empty. I tried logging in again as super me and giving Everyone full control of the Borland directory, to no avail.

Does anyone have any ideas about how to install Delphi 3 but successfully use it as another user?

  • I usually give temporarily admin rights to the user that should use Delphi so I can install it with his account and then revoke admin rights afterwards.--Dummzeuch 17:29, 30 October 2007 (UTC)